Sesungguhnya (menentukan) hukum itu hanyalah kepunyaan Allah. Dia telah memerintahkan agar kamu tidak menyembah selain Dia. Itulah agama yang lurus, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui. (Q.S Yusuf[12]:40)

Sunday, 6 June 2010

anawa aa..

If you get down
Get up Oh oh...
When you get down
Get up eh eh... 

ribetnya mau pulang.. hadu hadu.. takut breakthrough Medan?? this time for Afrika..!! anawa aa..
up to you lah dadd.. luph u puoll!! :)

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
 yeah, I take that part sooner, there's some limitation so I can't make it rightnow
yeah I know that is not belong to me, and how sensitive I am
yeah I know that I'm not supposed to be this possesive about your thing
it's not the point
I wish that I coul fixed it first, take it clean, then I'll give back to you
I know I that I've become such an annoying person to you rightnow, out of that limitation, then I'll give it to you really soon
doesn't mean to be that rude, I know you're not one of that kind
but I'll give it back sooner, so soon.. depend on when the limitation off my way. sooner my friend.