Sesungguhnya (menentukan) hukum itu hanyalah kepunyaan Allah. Dia telah memerintahkan agar kamu tidak menyembah selain Dia. Itulah agama yang lurus, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahui. (Q.S Yusuf[12]:40)

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

what's next??

well., this is awesome.. every day full of stories to tell..
every day I feel chalenge for a new things..
first thing to learn, new things to come..
I have to be fast..
I demanded to know many things.. as a creature that live in world of changes..
no matter how, I shoul learn a lot.

I know, this ain't to be perfectly linear..

and I know, life doesn't always go as plan..

I follow Your path, I wish..

This is the answer of my pray, I asked You to give me goodness wherever I'm at. And You Are The Best in Granting my request. I lean you all my life.